Student Insight Coaching

Student Coaching

Student Insight Coaching helps young people build confidence, enhance relationships with themselves and others, reduces anxiety, empowers them to work towards their goals academic and personal. We follow a client-centred model to help our students set realistic goals, create their own steps towards their goals, help them build resilience and self-belief, focus on the future, not the past, developing a skill bank of practical and therapeutic strategies to move forward as they grow. 

How we work

Working together


There is flexibility in the services Student Insight Coaching offers whether it be 1:1 coaching, to small group coaching sessions (6-8 students) or a bespoke programme to match a cohort within the school.


The average time to form a habit is 66 days so our 1:1 coaching programme originally consists of 10 weekly sessions of 1 hour, bespoke to the individual person's needs, as the client leads the direction of the sessions.


Motivational talks for groups of young people and Mindfulness Crafting Workshops. Workshops can take place for schools, sports clubs, the scout or guide association.


Student and Parent feedback

"Carol is so approachable, and I found it easy to connect with her, she listens to what I want and need from the session. She helped me to become aware of how to grow and improve myself and my life. Carol helped me to gain confidence and self-belief. I am extremely thankful to her for helping and giving me the knowledge and skills she has.

I think it has had a huge benefit and will help me in the future with opportunities. I would highly recommend Carol."
Aged 17
"Since being coached by Carol, my daughter has had loads of motivation, and I see a huge improvement in herself and her college work. It has boosted her confidence, she looks forward to the sessions, and it has had a very positive impact on her future."

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